Fynch-Hatton's winter drink

An alternative without alcohol
You forego for religious or other reasons alcohol, or know that you still have to drive a car? Then simply orient yourself on ours non -alcoholic recipe idea.
For this you need:
-200 ml apple juice
-150 ml mineral water (medium or classic)
-100 ml grape juice
-1 organic orange
-1 organic lemon
-1 cinnamon stick
-Optional -> sugar to sweeten
Pour for it Apple juice, grape juice and mineral water Gentle the liquids on the stove in a saucepan and heat the liquids. Make sure that the temperature is not set too high so that it does not start to cook. While the mixture is heated you can Orange as well as the lemon thorough wash And then dry. Both fruits now have to halved and are cut into two halves. The Juice an orange and lemon half must now be in the Pot be given. Make sure that there are no more seeds in it, otherwise you have to get them out of the pot with a spoon. The other two Halves must now in small slices cut and divided on the glasses. Something can already be done here at will Sugar be added. All that has to do is now Cinnamon stick be added. After the drink approximately 2 minutes With the cinnamon stick in the pot has pulled, is the Work done.
Now carefully pour the hot liquid into the glasses and enjoy your drink!
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By using Mango they also apply sustainer as comparable products. Manga trees have one limited life Regarding the wearing of fruits. After about 15 years, they no longer produce enough fruits to be lucrative enough. With this they have had its day as a crop, so that that Wood otherwise can be used. In our case it serves as beautiful shell that in different sizes is available. Fruit, how oranges and lemons can be kept in it. But also as a pure one Decoration element Enriched with plants, plant parts or pearls, it impresses with an elegant appearance. You too convince yourself of the versatility the Singita Enamel Bowl!