Our umbrella acacia: Why a tree is the logo of Fynch-Hatton!

The umbrella acacia
Shield acacias are African trees that grow very quickly. All year round, they wear a green leaf splendor.
As most probably know, it is Origin of the Fynch-Hatton brand in Africa. The founder Roger Brandts didn't need more than a trip around the To fall in love with a variety of continent. The young adventurer and bush pilots were similar Denys Finch Hatton At the beginning of the 20th century, of which Roger Brandts 1998 inspired. He quickly realized that not only Africa, but also Denys Finch Hatton in the brand he wanted to found should be anchored. The basic idea was clear. So it happened that the Brand name as Homage to Denys Finch Hatton became Fynch-Hatton. Appropriately, the umbrella acacia, the Africa's landmark for the brand of the brand.
If you want to learn more about the story, please watch out our website in the section Story over.
What is the importance of the umbrella acacia for Fynch-Hatton?
As already described, the umbrella acacia is that Africa landmark and reflects the inspiration against that Roger Brandts found in Africa. Shield acacias belong to the genus of mimosa plants, which can be assigned to the legumes. Your trademark is that flat crownthat looks like a Shield and the naming led. But why the umbrella acacia of all people? The umbrella acacia has the peculiarity that they are on Very sterile floors thrive can. So they grow increased sandy, stony soils And even on steep embankments. You don't need much to thrive. This should also be transferred to the brand foundation. No matter how the events are, that should Stark stark, like a umbrella acacia it does.
Long drought, high temperatures or sandstorms cannot harm the plant. And exactly this Strength Should on Fynch-Hatton through the Transfer imaging become.
In addition, mindfulness for nature is supposed to reproduce, the Fynch-Hatton always focuses. The Protection of the environment is a task for the whole company that is better implemented year after year. Therefore the umbrella acacia reflects the Sustainability in ecologicalbut also social sense opposite.
If you want to know more about it, please watch out our website in the section sustainability over.